Five Best Acts of Selfcare That Will Change Your Life

When the going gets tough, it’s hard to find the energy and motivation to care for ourselves. Self-care isn’t something that is a one-time thing that you do every few days or once a month. Instead, it is something that you should be practicing daily and before and after an event that may have been challenging for you. If you are wondering what self-care actually is, it is when we take time out of our day to make sure we are taking care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

Here are the five best ways to show yourself some love!

1. Spend some time reading

Make time to sit down and read one of those books you've had on the shelf for months. Whether you do it inside your home or grab your sunglasses and find a good spot to read outside, this act of mental self-care works wonders, and the book options are plentiful.

Reading books keep your brain sharp, triggers the imagination, and is the best way to nourish the soul.

2. Workout or participate in a group sport

If you want your body to function correctly, you must take care of it. Remember that there is a strong link between your body and your mind. When you take care of your body, you will be able to think and feel better. 

Taking care of your body ranges anywhere from going to physical appointments, getting enough sleep, and most importantly, keeping your body moving. 

Engaging in fun workout routines or group sports sessions is a great way to stay fit and care for your health. Plus, you get to practice it with people in the community that share the same interest; staying active! 
There are some days that the thought of moving your body may seem daunting to you - and that’s normal. So take a day off and enjoy a good movie, or you can even visit for all things entertainment on sports and fun events.

3. Take a walk in nature

Fresh air and even sunlight will do you a world of good. A walk in the park or woods is beneficial. Nature will ground you and make you feel more at ease. Immersion in nature can be one of the most powerful and effective strategies for self-care and healing — rebuilding and fostering a deeper connection between ourselves and the natural world.

4. Talk to a friend or a family member

It's critical to have healthy coping skills in order to deal with unpleasant emotions such as anger, anxiety, and sadness.  It's critical to incorporate emotional self-care into your life, whether you talk to a partner, a close friend, or a family member about how you're feeling.

5. Do some digital detoxing

The phrase ‘digital detox’ has been thrown around almost everywhere, and the thought of doing it may seem the new trend to try. However, digital detoxing is not only a trend but an act of self-care that is necessary in an age when we're constantly connected and surrounded by technology because it allows you to address your mental health. It’ll be even easier to detox and disconnect when you have a self-care journal to help you track your actions.
Try disconnecting your phone from social media for a weekend or longer if you feel the need to, and limit your overall screen time if necessary. You will see the immediate results with how you boost your mood and in how generally happier you feel!