3 Tips To Make the Division of Property Easier After Divorce

Going through a divorce can be a complex and challenging experience. But few things are as contentious during divorce as splitting property.

Sharing marital property becomes difficult due to attachment to various properties. Sometimes, one party may feel entitled to a larger share of the marital property, especially if they helped acquire most of it.

But property division during a divorce need not be acrimonious. The less antagonistic both parties to the divorce are, the quicker and cheaper it will be. 

If you are about to share marital property after a divorce, here are a few tips to make it more manageable and less argumentative.

Engage a Professional Mediator and Attorney


There is no denying that things can get heated quickly during any divorce proceedings. Both parties often experience profound, underlying feelings about their former spouse, making it very difficult to look at things rationally.

This is where mediators and divorce solicitors come in handy. If you don’t feel like you can face your ex, having your lawyer represent you in the meetings can make things easier for you.

The same applies if you can’t control your emotions every time you’re near your spouse. Rather than deal with eruptive emotional outbursts every so often, it might be better to have an attorney representing you during these meetings.

Not only can a solicitor minimize unpleasant encounters with your spouse, but they will also give you sound legal advice on how to get your fair share of the marital property. They know your country’s laws on the division of property and can help you navigate them successfully.

Consider also hiring a professional mediator before instigating contentious legal battles. A mediator can help you find amicable and creative solutions for property division, saving you stress and headache.

Let The Small Things Go


Small things cause more trouble during divorce than you might expect. Problems typically arise if both parties have a sentimental attachment to décor items or other movable property in the home. 

Fighting over the wall painting that hangs over your bed or the dining set that you bought ten years ago will do nothing to make property division easier. If anything, you may end up spending thousands of dollars on legal fees or waste a lot of time in court sessions.

The best thing to do is to keep a cool head during the division. If you can replace an item, let it go. This is better than dealing with a judge’s final ruling on the matter after spending ages in protracted legal battles.


Declare All Your Assets

During property division, be sure to declare all your assets and let the court rule whether they fall within the realm of marital assets. If you hide some assets and your spouse discovers them later, you may face dire consequences.

For one, the judge will question your integrity, and this will not work in your favour if you ever appear before them in the future. Secondly, you may have to pay a fine, plus the expenses your spouse incurred in searching for the hidden property.


Although property division in a divorce is a daunting task, you can make it easier on yourself by following the three tips shared on this blog. Hire a professional, declare all your assets honestly, and let the small stuff go. 

Doing this will go a long way in easing the division process.

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