5 Quirky Ways To Build Confidence


Confidence is something that everyone wishes they had in spades. It really is like a superpower. No matter what situation you’re in and what kind of pressure you are under, having the confidence to speak your mind and say what you actually mean, is a powerful thing. Confidence is also something that is misunderstood. It isn’t something that you can turn on and off like a charm. It's something that grows naturally as a part of you or something that you can learn to become a part of you. There are some quirky ways you can build confidence just so you know...

Read out loud

It may seem strange but reading aloud allows you to hear yourself speak more often. Some people who lack confidence, have themselves convinced that it's their voice or the way they pronounce things that will make people not like them. If you listen to yourself over and over, you will become accustomed to the way you articulate and say words. You will essentially learn to appreciate yourself and love yourself more. 

Getting Healthy

For some people, their health is the source of their confidence and their lack of confidence. Something like the glucose regulator from Groupe Nature Pharma can help you to change the way you absorb energy. It will make you aware of your glucose consumption which will help you maintain health throughout the day. Hopefully, when you take this in moderation you can start to see real results from your eating habits.

Oh yeah, exercise!

Sometimes it's just that you don’t believe you can do something. It may be socializing with friends, going out to meet new people, or going on a date. If you exercise you can show yourself what you are made of. By doing physically challenging things, step by step you can prove to yourself you are capable of breaking through barriers of pain and confidence issues. It's common for exercise to also lead to making new friends at the gym. You never know who else you might meet!

Stand up for yourself

Don’t take no guff! When you feel like you are being trampled on speak up and make it known. This is important in both a professional and personal environment. But they are two different dynamics. At work you need to be polite yet firm. If your team is ignoring you then bring it up at the next meeting or gathering. Say the words, “I feel like you are ignoring me.” By being straightforward and direct, you will start to build internal confidence. In your personal life, you can be even more brunt about things and say exactly what you’re thinking. You’ll feel better for standing up for yourself.

Be kind

The most harmful thing you can be is your own worst enemy. Every day, you should give yourself one compliment, while looking in the mirror. Just one a day and you’ll be on your way to loving yourself as much as others do.

Building confidence is a lot like building Rome: it can take a long time! But these ways can speed up the process a whole lot. Let us know how you get on!