

Some of us are fortunate to get it. ⠀⠀
Lots of us aren’t. ⠀⠀
Even if you desperately want closure and feel like you need it to move on, sometimes closure never comes. After everything I’ve been through, I honestly view closure as a luxury. A luxury that some of us will never get. ⠀
So how do you pick up the pieces and move forward? ⁣⁣⠀⠀
Remind yourself why your ex is part of your past. Every time you get stuck because you don’t have closure, remind yourself why you need to keep moving forward. ⠀

Love yourself enough to realize that you deserve way better than someone who didn’t even give you the kindness of a proper goodbye. They aren’t worth any more tears. As my sister said, “sometimes you just have to walk away from the grave of your rotting relationship.”⁣⁣⠀⠀
Acknowledge that you have no control over anyone outside of yourself. You can’t control if someone gives you closure. You can only control your decision to let everything go and move forward. ⁣⁣⠀⠀
Realize that sometimes we get endings with no real end.⠀⠀
Embrace the opportunities that lie ahead, just past this chapter. ⠀⠀
Even if someone hasn’t given you the closure you desperately want, make the decision to let it go and move on.⠀⠀
Have you been able to move on without the closure you deserve? Are you still waiting for an apology?  This is a judgement-free zone. Comment below about your reality.